Track Safety Rules for Covid-19
Issue 1
4th July 2020
If you answer yes to any of the 6 questions below then you MUST NOT attend a training session.
- Has a high temperature (above 37.8oC).
- Has developed a new continuous cough.
- Has shortness of breath or a sore throat.
- Loss of or change in normal sense of taste or smell.
- Are feeling unwell.
- Has been in contact with someone suspected of or having Covid-19 within the last 14 days.
The stand area will be closed, spectators must remain in their car unless called to assist with their child because of illness or injury.
Only qualified coach’s will be allowed track side coaching Athletes within the government guide lines.
Please wash your hands before you set off. On arrival at the track follow the sign posted route for entry and exit. Please bring hand sanitiser with you and apply before getting out of your transport.
Please select a marked-out area to place any gear you have with you, this will be your personal space for the training session. Do not go into any other area of other athletes. Please touch as little as possible of non-personal items.
If you need to shelter for any reason please return to your own vehicle, the stand will not be available for sheltering.
Maintain social distancing rules in line with government advice.
Lane 2 should be used for distance training and walking during reps to be carried out on the grass.
Lanes 4 and 6 to be used for sprint training with walk backs on tarmac or lane 8 or long jump run ups. Maintain social distance on walk backs.
No sharing of throwing equipment which should be wiped down before and after training.
You have a responsibility for your own safety, Stay alert, Control the virus, Save lives.
Report any concerns to your coach or a member of staff.